Something to lighten my spirits - Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes should do the trick

Today I am sadly making 400 cupcakes for the funeral of my friends son. I am still very sad for her and her entire family. However, the wafting smell of chocolate cherry cupcakes filling my home can't help but lift my spirits. On top of that the sun is shining today! Some good old vitamin D also helps. The best part of the day is my three year old who has decided that his motorcycle (tricycle) needs to be in the house, (I fought him on it for a little while and then relented) I don't mean to sound inconsistant but sometimes I pick a battle and then the little voice in my head says, "Why are you fighting this, you can make it work". So that is what we did. We washed the wheels together, set down some ground rules and now he is happily riding all around, occasionally stopping by the Drive Thru (the kitchen) to place his order for French Fries, a Hambugunner and a Sprite!! (which in reality is a piece of Bologna, a cup full of Fish Crackers and a Juice Box) That makes me smile the most!!

 I have a friend, her name is Liz, her children are grown now for the most part. I think she has always been a "Yes" mom. If her children have a reasonable request it would seem that she always lets them try. I don't mean to say that she has no rules. Her family knows the standard both she and her husband expect them to live up to, but if there is an adventure to be had or something new and challenging to try, I think she is right in there, letting them try and letting them learn. So I don't really know if my tricycle in the kitchen episode really applies but when these situations come up  I often think of her and I hope in some small way I can emulate her good example. Okay, I am tangeant bound again, back to the Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes.

Normally when I am making a cake that someone purchases from me I make it from scratch, but today, in light of how many cupcakes I am making, a cake mix (or 10) will have to do. Of course, I need to doctor them up a bit, just to keep the reputation that I have worked hard for. No one will ever know, except for my loyal followers. All FIVE of you. I actually feel like you are more like my Posse than my followers. Moses had followers. I have a small band of  loyal friends.  Anyways, here is my easy peasy recipe for Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes.

Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes

1 box Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix
Prepare as stated on the back of the box

Add to the batter:
1 can of Cherry Pie Filling
1 cup of Miniature Chocolate Chips.

Fill your cupcake liners 2/3 full and back 350 degrees F. until the top of the cupcake springs back to the touch. This recipe will yield almost 30 cupcakes because of the extra volume you have added to the batter.
The best icing recipe to top these yummy cupcakes with is Nana's Secret Recipe!! you can find it in an older post.

So if you are feeling a little blue, try these yummy treats. I guarantee you will be feeling happier before they are even done cooking!


Kelly Rigby said...

well done, Janine! I love the flexibility with the tricycle and will have make those cupcakes sometime...24 of them, not 400.
Love ya!

Unknown said...

this is awesome and your cupcakes look divine!

Angela from what would angela do? said...

What an awesome friend you are to make so many cupcakes for a grieving friend to lighten the load a little. What an example you are.
I also liked hearing the story about saying yes to more things. I can be quite the "no" mom because I don't want to think of the messes certain things will surely create...
Can I call you the Yoda of Cooking? ;)

TannerM said...

You are truly amazing! Love you Janine xo