Lovely Cake, Some Beautiful Flowers, Wedding Decor and a Bridal Shower

This week I am up to my eyeballs in batter, icing, flowers, ribbon, wire and tissue paper. I am doing a wedding for saturday which is going to be gorgeous I might add. Purple is not normally my favourite colour but I have blended some different shades of purple for the bouquets and it looks fabulous!! I am definately a growing fan of the colour.  I am decorating a shower for thursday night and I just got a call to do some baking for my neighbors 40th wedding anniversary which is on sunday!

Needless to say, my house work is catching up with me. My Laundry is becoming a mountain and  yesterday I spent my afternoon at the garage getting new tires. We had blown a tire the night before when we decided to go for a ride because it was too warm in the house for our kids to fall asleep. It wasn't the... peaceful, lull our kids to sleep..., kind of  trip we had planned. Anyways to top it all off I have to go back to the garage this afternoon again because they put on the wrong tires!! Have I mentioned we are moving in a month.

Now that all of that is off my chest, I can go on.

Spring and early summer have brought on a few surprises, (mostly disasters) and a lot of lessons learned.
Let me name a few.

#1 Never try to fondant a cake when the humidex is more than 80% humidity. Everything melts!! I mean everything! My niece's first birthday cake was a lump of sweaty stretchy fondant and buttercream icing long before it was even left my house. Actually, it never left my house. It landed in the garbage and my neice had a lovely ice cream cake from Dairy Queen that day.
#2 Always pick up the cake securely with both hands to ensure that your balancing skills will not be foiled when your 4 year old son runs through the kitchen and bumps into you. If you do not have a firm grip on that cake it will surely land upside down on the floor.
#3 Always use the oven timer!! Burnt cake not only looks bad and tastes bad, it smells bad for days!
#4 Never use royal icing to stick on the grosgrain ribbon around the bottom of a lovely wedding cake. It shows through where you stuck it and never dries. Just sloppy.
#5 Don't become a baker when you live across a horse farm.....the flies will do thier very best to win the battle. Luckily for me I have the master fly swatting husband around. They have not gotten the better of me and my cakes yet..................but they are one reason we are moving.

So with these new lessons learned under my belt I am ready to face the two cupcake towers for two weddings on the same day in two different cities, another Justin Bieber Cake and one more wedding cake within the next month. Wish me luck!

1 comment: said...

Can't wait to see some pictures of your latest masterpieces!!