I know you can do it - Just take a picture and figure it out

That is what my husband said to me after we decided that we couldn't afford to take the course that was being offered by "The Two Southern Ladies" on thier famous "Spherical Wedding Cake". This cake was named one of the top 50 most beautiful wedding cakes a couple of years ago and now they teach the techniques in classes that they travel across country making guest appearances. Below is their cake.

My husband, held tightly onto his wallet as he encouraged me with all his confidence in me. "Honey, do you really need a class. I know you can do it - just take a picture and figure it out" So that is what I did. I had already been asked to do a wedding cake for a friend but this cake was on my mind. I sent her a picture and asked her if I could do this cake as her wedding cake and as my test dummy. She agreed, on the condition that if it turned out terrible we would go back to the original design. Agreed. So I set out to make my own version of the most beautiful wedding cake. I printed the picture and set myself to work. It was very nerve wracking and took a lot of patience (which I lack, in abundance)  Below is the outcome.

I don't have a better picture of it than this which makes me sad because it turned out to be my favourite cake of all time. I am going to have to ask my famous photographer friend to tweak this picture for me. Honestly, how many of you want to see the calendar on my fridge?


Angela from what would angela do? said...

That is just amazing!!! Good for you being able to create it right from a picture. It is GORGEOUS!!!

Becki said...

I think my parents might have a picture or two of the cake too! It was the most beautiful cake ever! I was totally spoiled!!!

Heather said...

you are amazing, not that I ever doubted that, but WOW!